Project Share Day 23: IC radio
Congrats to Ithaca radio! In my senior year, I am part of the family. I fall in love with a DJ and participate in amazing adventures.
I am the weather girl for the morning show on air. I am so nervous and excited and have a great time. I only half awake in the morning, especially my senior year where I could sleep late 4 out of the 5 days. Yet, I’m on the radio early in they morning. I’m with great people!
One of my favorite times is with my friend Alexis. LoveLines with Amy and Alexis is a 1 night engagement where callers request a song to dedicate to another. I think there’s 1 caller, so we have a great time playing our favorite songs. So fun! I still have the set on tape.
The other highlight is the 50-hour charity marathon. The station and 2 DJs spent 50 straight hours on air, moving location to location throughout town and end up in the studio at the end. All proceeds from the show go to a local charity. Wow, I didn’t make it all 50 hours but the DJs did and rocked it! 2016 is the 30th year the Marathon has taken place!
Great memories and a time I cherish in my heart.
Congrats to all!