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Project Share Day 21: my parents

14224750_10153679226351090_5982381186250725492_nA very special happy 45th anniversary to these crazy kids! I love you to pieces and then some!!! Larry Neiman

My parents really understand the concept of unconditional love. They always support me and if it’s a weird and different view, they express their concern, and then support me. I couldn’t ask to be born to anyone other than them.

Growing up my Mom was with the kids (till I was 8) then returns to the workforce. Dad is always working, and makes it home for dinner pretty much every night (when he’s not out of town working). He works hard and gives 150% every time. He’s a perfectionist like myself.

They are both disciplinarians and equal forces. They didn’t disagree in front of the kids back then. Now they are in a self-expression state 🙂 My parents, my brother, and I are close. I love spending time with them. I still have so much to learn and share with my soulmates.

Arlene and Larry first met in junior high school in the Bronx. 7th grade. As they travelled in different circles, back then everyone knew of each other. In college, they found themselves in the same program, junior year. Senior year 1971, they went on their first date. And the rest is history. I heard he had a car, and she was his ticket to move out of his parents place. 💖😘

Either way, it was a good move. I love you both!

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