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14322635_10153701576436090_1002906728794360928_nProject share day 27: Halloween

As a child, I was not a huge fan of Halloween. I dressed up as a baby, soccer player, baby, baby, baby. Lol it was the easiest costume. My Mom never liked the holiday, after a while she’d leave a big bowl of candy outside the door.

Freshman year at college is amazing. I find myself in Terrace 7, having Amy or Jenna weave a wire hanger through my pigtail hair. I’m pippi longstocking. It’s great, someone gives me something to wear and I go, ok. We head to Hudson Street for a party, and the snow starts. It’s great, Oct 31 and 6 inches fall. A fun night!

In LA, it’s better. I have a group of people who enjoy this holiday as much as I now do. One time, I’m with Ralph & Craig spray painting some body part… Hal with his fake blood. I’m chuckling right now thinking about it on the train from NYC.

I love Ken’s before party… For years, we gather at Ken’s and then make our way onto the West Hollywood streets. The town closes down Santa Monica Blvd. from La Cienega to Doheney. Hundreds of people in costumes and not in costumes strut their stuff and have a great time.

I have more photos somewhere however here are some of my favorite costumes. This is a visual share 🙂

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